Currently, a group of international filmmakers supported by the renowned Bolivian foundation UKAMAO is in the process of creating a documentary about David’s organization’s (Nulanketutmonen Nkhitakumikumon) struggles against Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in Maine. This group of filmmakers is composed by awarded productor and professor of the Escuela Andina de Cinematografia en Bolivia, Milton Guzman, also Director at CEFREC – IRIS PRODUCCIONES; Lorena Ayala Rocabado, Psicologist, Flamenco dancer and student of the Escuela Andina de Cinematografia; Dr. Marie Eve Monette, Assistant Professor of Latin American Cinema at the University of Alabama; and Galen Hecht who studied Film and Documentary at the College of the Atlantic. Also, Dr. Patricia Ayala Rocabado, David’s widow, collaborate in this film.