
Awards and Grants

In 2017, we received a letter of posthumous tribute to David from members of the Senate and House of Representative of the State of Maine, honoring David´s work as a canoe builder and basket maker as well as for his community service and activism.

In 2017, Save Passamaquoddy Bay 3 Nation Alliance-Split Rock, Sepayik-Nikanke and NULANKEYUTOMONEN NKIH-TAHKOMIKUMON (“We take care of our land”), received the 2016 Leadership from a Local Grassroots Group Award from Sierra Club. This award was given in recognition to their “outstanding effort and commitment to inspire local and area residents to stand up to the multiple applications to develop Liquified Natural Gas terminals in Passamaquoddy Bay”.

In 2013, during the celebration of the 48th Annual Sipayik Indian Day, David was honored by the Passamaquoddy Tribe as a “teacher, award winning artist and canoe builder, who has reached levels of notoriety from his love of birch bark. He exemplifies what it means to be a Master Craftsman. David is being honored today for reviving the nearly lost art of traditional Canoe building. Woliwon Tepit” (Passamamquoddy Tribe, 2013).

David has received several other awards and grants for artistic excellence:

2015 Heard Museum Indian Fair and Market, Basket Division, First Place.
2014 Santa Fe Indian Market, Honorable Mention
2008 Eiteljorg Museum, Artist and Residence Felloship
2008 New England Foundation for the Arts
2008 First Peoples Fund, Cultural Capitol Fellow
2007 Fund for Folklife Culture, Professional Development Grant
2007 First Peoples Fund, Cultural Capitol Fellow
2006 Maine Arts Commission, Traditional Arts Fellowship
2005 First Peoples Fund, Community Spirit Award
2004 Maine Boats and Harbors, Boat of the Year Award
2000 Maine Arts Commission, Master/Apprentice Award
1998 Patrick Miranda Foundation
1997 Patrick Miranda Foundation